With most of us working day in and day out to earn our livings and getting up the career ladder the stress of affects our marital lives too. Now days just tying the knot is not the key towards living happily ever after just like fairy tales. You have to put in a lot of effort to make your marriage work.
Just remember that even tiny things you do for your spouse would contribute to a great extent towards having a happy marriage. The quintessential factor which makes a marriage work is honesty and openness. Our day to day chores often make us forget why we married our spouses in the first places. There are a few queries for couples which every couple needs to ask themselves selves once in a while in order to remind themselves of their true love and passion for our better halves.
So, in order to make any marriage work you have to ask yourself a lot of open ended and custom made questions for couples pertaining to married life and its ultimate purpose. Through these questions you have to ensure the whether you are truly happy with your marriage or there are some things wanting in it. ‘1000 Questions for Couples’ is enriching self help book which would help you to find out and sort out the different issues which have been troubling your married life. If you want to find true marital bliss just get hold of this amazing book and see your problems being ironed out in a moment.